New DDS 500 decompressive air spinal LSO

The new and innovative DDS 500 decompressive LSO is unlike any other back brace or LSO (lumbar sacral orthosis).

Features:  Provides lower and mid lumbar support, air bladder which inflates and decompresses the spine by separating the vertebral bodies.  The belt height is about 5″s and expands to about 10″s after inflating.  The goal is to help fight the vertical forces in between the vertebral bodies when upright.  Can be used supine as a therapeutic modality.  There is a plastic front and back panel for added stabilization and support of the spine.

Patient population:  LBP (low back pain), Herniated Intervertebral Disc, Bulging Disc, Spinal Stenosis, Spondylosis, DDD (degenerative disc disease) and others.  I personally use one for my back challenges and get instant relief from burning and pinching pressure.

Call or email for more information regarding personal use or for your patients.

(949) 699-0600 /


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